Tracing Ancestors among the Five Civilized Tribes:
Southeastern Indians Prior to Removal
“Other helpful general guides … focus on familiar records, but Lennon's book provides guidance in an area of research not well addressed in the current literature and is therefore highly recommended.” —Library Journal
“Lennon, an obviously gifted researcher and historian, has written the definitive book for understanding how to find the records that might lead you to finding those non-enrolled American Indians.” —Carolyn Earle Billingsley, Ph.D. (Hist.), Amazon
156 pp. 2002. Paperback, $27
Florida’s First Families:
Translated Abstracts of Pre-1821 Spanish Censuses
Early Florida attracted many settlers from the Anglo colonies and states, as well as others from Corsica, France, Italy, Spain, Switzerland, and Syria. Unlike U.S. censuses of this period, Spanish censuses identify every member of the household, free or slave, with ages and occupations. Types of homes and farmholdings patterns appear in some years; and, in all years, married females are identified by their maiden names.
201 pp., 1992. Hardback, $27. Paperback, $25
Florida’s Unfortunates: The 1880 Federal Census;
Defective, Dependent, and Delinquent Classes
A complete transcription of the little-known and hard-to-access supplemental “social” schedules created by federal census takers in 1880. Arranged in alphabetical order, with a cross-listing by county, these schedules identify many institutionalized individuals “missing” from the family circle: orphans, homeless children, paupers and indigents, the deaf or mute, and those suffering mental disorders.
103 pp., 1993. Hardback, $24
Some Southern Balls:
From Valentine to Ferdinand and Beyond
“Some Southern Balls is a model and an inspiration for every researcher who wants to publish a family history.” —Marsha Hoffman Rising, CG, CGL, FASG, Federation of Genealogical Societies Forum.
“A superb work that demonstrates the highest level of analysis and documentation … the author presents the material with literary skill, historical discernment, and sympathetic understanding.”—David L. Greene, CG, FASG, The American Genealogist
“Careful attention to the interpretation of the evidence [and] a model of research … every statement is supported by citations to the sources with criticisms, caveats and astute interpretations.” –Lloyd Bockstruck, FNGS, “Family Tree,” Dallas Morning News
“Some Southern Balls is, quite simply, the finest family history I have ever reviewed, and among the finest I have ever seen.”—William R. Ward, AG, Genealogical Journal.
325 pp., 1993. Hardback, $35
Biographical and Historical Memoirs
of Natchitoches Parish, Louisiana
The 1890s was a period in which many publishers created “mug books”—historical accounts of counties and town, with biographies and family histories for prosperous citizens. This volume reprints—and provides an index for—one rare 1890 publication.
122 pp. 1993. Soft cover. $17

The First Families of Louisiana: An Index
In 1970, the late genealogist and historian Glenn R. Conrad published two immensely valuable volumes of colonial Louisiana censuses, military records, and ship rolls. According to the custom of the times, he did not index his work. This supplemental volume fills that need.
“This index [is] one of the first reference works that any Louisiana family historian should see. Far more than a mere index, it brings together all variant spellings identifiable for a single individual; and it offers extensive cross-referencing to more than 12,000 names.” —Winston DeVille, FASG, syndicated genealogical columnist.
89 pp., 1992. Soft cover. $23